Cataleya has delivered a complete turnkey solution for rolling out IP infrastructure across Liberia
Liberia’s national operator Liberia Telecommunication Corporation (Libtelco) and Cataleya have modernised the country’s communications infrastructure and ushered in a new era of IP networking in Liberia. Reliant for years on legacy TDM infrastructure, Libtelco has transformed its network in order to deliver advanced communications services and applications to local service providers, businesses and communities.
Libtelco serves local consumers and businesses with fixedline services, as well as leasing network capacity to Liberia’s four competitive domestic mobile network operators (MNOs). It has over 2.4 million mobile subscribers of its own, amounting to a mobile penetration rate of 78%, according to analyst firm Buddecomm.
As its business has grown, Libtelco recognised that it needed to migrate its infrastructure from TDM to IP and they needed a party that could make this transition seamless. To help bring its network into an IP world, Libtelco chose Cataleya to create and deliver fully integrated turnkey solution for IP networking that includes interconnection, billing, and session and application management.
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